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❶ 我的世界 基岩版:官方伺服器配置與使用

You can issue commands to the server by typing in the console. The following commands are available. < > means a parameter is required, [ ] means it's optional and | denotes different allowed values. Strings can be enclosed in double quotes, ", if they contain spaces.

Command syntax Description
kick <player name or xuid> <reason> Immediately kicks a player. The reason will be shown on the kicked players screen.
stop Shuts down the server gracefully.
save <hold | resume | query> Used to make atomic backups while the server is running. See the backup section for more information.
whitelist <on | off | list | reload>
on and off turns the whitelist on and off. Note that this does not change the value in the server.properties file!

list prints the current whitelist used by the server

reload makes the server reload the whitelist from the file.

See the Whitelist section for more information.

whitelist <add | remove> <name> Adds or removes a player from the whitelist file. The name parameter should be the Xbox Gamertag of the player you want to add or remove. You don't need to specify a XUID here, it will be resolved the first time the player connects.

See the Whitelist section for more information.
permissions <list | reload>
list prints the current used operator list.

reload makes the server reload the operator list from the ops file.

See the Permissions section for more information.

op <player>
Promote a player to operator. This will also persist in permissions.json if the player is authenticated to XBL. If permissions.json is missing it will be created. If the player is not connected to XBL, the player is promoted for the current server session and it will not be persisted on disk. Defualt server permission level will be assigned to the player after a server restart.

deop <player>
Demote a player to member. This will also persist in permissions.json if the player is authenticated to XBL. If permissions.json is missing it will be created.

changesetting <setting> <value> Changes a server setting without having to restart the server. Currently only two settings are supported to be changed, allow-cheats (true or false) and difficulty (0, peaceful, 1, easy, 2, normal, 3 or hard). They do not modify the value that's specified in server.properties.
The server supports taking backups of the world files while the server is running. It's not particularly friendly for taking manual backups, but works better when automated. The backup (from the servers perspective) consists of three commands.

Command Description
save hold This will ask the server to prepare for a backup. It』s asynchronous and will return immediately.
save query After calling save hold you should call this command repeatedly to see if the preparation has finished. When it returns a success it will return a file list (with lengths for each file) of the files you need to . The server will not pause while this is happening, so some files can be modified while the backup is taking place. As long as you only the files in the given file list and truncate the copied files to the specified lengths, then the backup should be valid.
save resume When you』re finished with ing the files you should call this to tell the server that it』s okay to remove old files again.

❷ 我的世界新手怎麼玩伺服器


對於新手玩家來說,具體操作流程如下:衜在使用伺服器進行游戲的前提之下,獲得一個命令知方塊,/give 你的名字,這就是我們自己獨有的命令衟方塊。接著,在命令方塊當中輸入指令就好了。

❸ 我的世界如何開一個屬於自己的伺服器


❹ 如何在Minecraft國際版加入伺服器【基岩版】



2.Minecraft 基岩版【不是網易版本,是要國際版】



記得選擇 保存至Microsoft


伺服器IP為 埠為 19132【更新】原來的 40443 埠已報廢


❺ 我的世界1.19基岩版下載,如何進入伺服器


❻ 我的世界電腦版如何玩基岩版伺服器




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