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發布時間:2023-02-01 08:47:18

1. 求英語作文:假如你叫張華,你的筆友Tom想了解你校的情況,介紹你的學校.

Dear Tom
I am very happy to receive your letter. Now let me tell you something about our school. It lies in the east of the city. There are two thousand students, one hundred and thirty-eight teachers and forty classes. It was built in 1950. Now it is a key middle school. There are two teching and learning buildings, one library, one experiment building and one football field. There are all kinds of beautiful flowers, grass and trees here and threre. Our school is so beautiful that we all like it very much. How about your school?
Zhang Hua

2. 英語作文假如你是張華,在福建讀書

Dear Tom,
As i will finish my high school this July, i'd like to tell your a very impressive issue ring my school life. That's the time my classmates and i went to the review lessons in the classroom every night. I think it's the happiest moment ring a whole day. We would finish doing our homework by ourselves at the beginning, then we would negotiate over the difficult questions and help each other. My friends are very kind-hearted persons, they did not hesitate to help me whenever i have problems. At 9 PM in the evening, we will go back to the dormitory building with a light heart, gossiping interesting topics and singing pop musics together. I love my high school life very much.
Yours truly,
Zhang Hua

3. 按要求寫一篇80個詞左右的英語作文[新的一年到來了,你要感謝誰呢假設你是張華,請你寫一段感謝語給你...

A new year has arrived like a page in a book. We often think back to the people who helped us and decorated our lives to a better one. Everyone has someone they must thank by heart, and I am not an exception. A person I must thank is my Piano teacher. Not only that she ha taught me well in Piano, but most importantly risen up my enthusiasm towards music. When I was young I did not like it at all. However, now it is a part of me. So, thankyou so much!

4. 英語作文。詞數150假如你是張華,寫一封信給你的筆友Tom介紹你最喜歡的一個人和你最喜歡的一種習慣。

Dear Tom
long time no see,How are you doing? I'm very glad to hearing from you, in your later you ask me to talking you what kind of person i like and my hobbies.Here i'll show you.
when it comes to the person i like,i shoud say i admire my mother best.My mother is a diligent and tender woman,she is always kind to everybody.Unlike other country housewives,my mother earn living by doing business,as you know we sell tires.she get up early in the morning,but very late to rest.It seems that her life was so fatigued,but i know it's her way to living,she shows her smiling face to every customer,making them
satisfied with our service.I learn a lot of things from mother,and i am firmly convinced that it'll help me with all my life!
As to hobby,well,maybe you will laugh at me when i tell you "get up late everyday".but it is true!actually,i am a lazy girl(boy) indeed.especially in winter,alarm for me was always in vain.every morning I outstretch my arms from the quilt,my heart screams"Oh,god save me"!
ok,that'all for today.I'm looking forward to hear from you again!

Yours sincerely

zhang hua

PS: 本人水平有限,個別語法錯誤請諒解


5. 求一篇英語作文題目是 假設你是張華,請你寫80詞的信給你的英語老師說說你好友的基本情況和興趣愛好

" Dear teacher,
I want to introce my friend,Mike to you. He is 14 years old. He comes from The USA and studies at a school in Beijing,China. He is in Grade 8. He is good at English maths, physics, and so on. He has many hobbies,such as playing football, badminton and table tennis. We often play and study together.He helps with my English and I help him with Chinese.We are good friends.
Best wishes for you!
Yours, ZhangHua"

6. 英語作文,對張華生活的改變,寫一篇100字左右的作文 開頭給出zhanghua is life

Zhang Hua is a Grade 9 student of Sunshine Secondary School. His family is rich. He used to spend most of his pocket money buying snacks and playing computer games. He didn』t work so hard at school.
Last summer, he went to a poor village. There he saw many poor children. They couldn』t afford to go to school.
That experience affected Zhang Hua a lot. Now Zhang Hua works very hard at school and he donates most of his pocket money to UNICEF and he takes an active part in many charity activities to help people in need. He thinks it important to help people in need.

7. 跪求高三英語作文:假如你是張華,請跟據內容給英國筆友Paul回復一封郵件介紹自己清況80-100詞

Dear Paul,

It is so nice to hear from you again. I am seventeen years old and studying at No. 1 Middle School in Grade 2. My father is a policeman and my mother is a doctor. I love playing football and basketball. My other hobby is philately as I find postage stamps from different countries interesting. At school I have about ten subjects. My favorite subject is Science because I like doing experiments very much. Our teachers are very kind to us and help us with our school work.

I look forward to hearing from you soon about your life in England.

Yours sincerely,

8. 寫一篇張華變化的英語作文

標 准 答 案:Zhang Hua is a Grade 9 student of Sunshine Secondary School. His family is rich. He used to spend most of his pocket money buying snacks and playing computer games. He didn』t work so hard at school. Last summer, he went to a poor village. There he saw many poor children who weren』t able to go to school because their families were too poor. That experience affected Zhang Hua a lot. Now Zhang Hua works very hard at school and he donates most of his pocket money to UNICEF and he takes an active part in many charity activities to help people in need. He thinks it important to help people in need

9. 英語作文:假定你叫張華,最近從報紙上得知美國某公司將在你的家鄉建一座工廠,請給該公司寫封電子郵件。

Dear Sir or Madam,
I am a middle school student. I have recently learned from the newspaper that you are going to build a factory here in my hometown. There is no doubt that it is good for the development of my hometown and it will provide us with more jobs. Most of us stand by the program. However, some of us are worried that the factory will make much noise and pollute the environment of the area. I would like to know whether you have any plans for the environment protection.
Would you please offer us more information about it?
I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Zhang Hua

10. 急急急 求高人寫篇英語作文 題目如下

Physics Department of
X University
Nanchang,jiangxi,china 100071
June 21st,2010
Admission Officer
Graate School of Physics
North Carolina State University
Raleighv,North Carolina,27650

Dear Sir:

I am zhanghua,I'm writing this letter whit great onour,and I'm a Physics experimenter of North Carolina State University now,It's the way I get money.There is a hope alway on my mind that I want to have a advanced studies at foreign country,and get the degree of Master of Science.
I am very glad to show you my information:
I graate from North Carolina State University recently,and my major subject is Physics,ring the college time I spent most of my time on study and I had do it well both in theory and in practice;I got scholarship three times in four years,though study can't prove all of me ,It can shows my aspirant spirit.
With the hope to be a member of you, I want to get you information too,could you sent me a application form paper and some Additional Relevant Informations. Thank you very much.

Waiting for you letter.
Yours ZhangHua
June 21st,2010



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